Weekly Schedule
– 9:30 AM Prayer
– 10:00 AM Worship Service
– 10:30 AM Junior Church
Kids Church
Communion: First Sunday of the month
(Nursery/Toddler program available during the service)
7:00 PM Praise & Prayer Service
(2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month)
Our Location
285 Ayer Road
Harvard, MA 01451
(978) 772-1884
P.O. Box 377, Harvard, MA 01451
Seeds of Faith Community Church
Seeds of Faith Community Church
“We really felt God’s love in this church.”
“For the first time in my life, I learned that God is a good God and that He is FOR me, not against me.”
“I’ve learned to live a victorious life in Christ!”
“My entire family came to know Jesus Christ at Seeds of Faith.”
“God healed me during the worship service.”
“I learned that the Bible is true and God wants to bless my life and family.”
Welcome to our website! These are some of the comments we’ve heard from people who have made Seeds of Faith Community Church their church home. It’s an exciting time to be alive and serving God. We believe the Holy Spirit is moving in people’s lives in a powerful way, and we’re blessed that our church is part of God’s plan.
The mission of Seeds of Faith Community Church is to teach Christians who they are in Christ Jesus and how to live a victorious life.
We are called to share the Good News of God’s love and grace to mankind.
We are called to reach out to our communities with the message of God’s love and goodness to us in Christ Jesus.
We are called to plant the Word of God into the hearts and minds of our members through teaching, preaching, worship and prayer.
We are called to teach Christians to give God’s Word first place in their lives.
We are called to build strong, loving families and relationships based on God’s Word.
We’re delighted that you’re visiting our site. We invite you to visit our church or to contact us with prayer requests or questions. Come and experience God’s love and blessings.